British Traveller
British Traveller 28 Inch Durable Polycarbonate - ABS Hard Shell Suitcase - TSA Lock - Navy
British Traveller 28 Inch Durable Polycarbonate - ABS Hard Shell Suitcase - TSA Lock - Navy
- With four 360 swivel TPE wheels, it is easy to manoeuvre and silent when gliding along the ground.
- A retractable, easy grip telescopic handle with multiple height settings makes your life easier when needed the most.
- A fixed 3 dial combination TSA lock offers maximum security. This lock allows your luggage to be unlocked and inspected by security authorities without damage.
- The zip is not easily punctured by sharp tools such as pens, providing better protection for the contents and privacy of your suitcase.
- There are two normal handles - one on the top and one on the side.
- Four plastic feet on the side to rest the bag on.
- The main compartment features nylon straps with a buckle that can secure the contents on one side, the other side is secured via a zip and has a mesh zip pocket making for organised packing.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund (including shipping cost). As soon as we receive your parcel to us or is confirmed by us or any of our suppliers your money for the item/s will refunded in full. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect etc.).
All items which are Made To Order, meaning we do not hold stock or manufactured to be sent. If you have ordered more than 1 item then these may arrive at separate times. Although we do state 5 to 7 working days for delivery, under normal circumstances all products are produced and dispatched within 3 working days, so we do work to get your order to you sooner.